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Success Story 29 June 2022

Sector Health & Social Care
Programme Core Programme
Fund Managers

accuRx is on a mission to improve communication in healthcare, giving everyone involved in a patient’s care the ability to easily communicate with each other.

At present, the NHS and health systems around the world are in a constant struggle to improve coordination of care and help patients stay healthy or manage their long-term conditions, manage costs and improve outcomes.

accuRx is tackling this issue. Each week, over 2 million messages are sent using its software, joining patients and the professionals that care for them. The accuRx team has grown from eight to 80, and the percentage of female employees increased from 25% to 55%.

In November 2020, GPs were told they would be delivering a major tranche of the vaccine programme but were worried that outdated booking software in their practices would massively slow them down or make their rollout impossible. accuRx stepped up and by December had rolled out accuBook, a service to invite patients via SMS to self-book their appointments. Of the first 33 million vaccinations delivered in England, 11 million were booked via accuRx.

In September 2021, accuRx raised a £27.5m Series B round, which included participation from British Patient Capital as part of our long-term co-investment strategy, investing alongside one of our existing fund managers, Atomico.

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